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Robot Gardener Plants, Tends and Harvests
Fruit and veggies without the fuss are the promise of a new robot being developed by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The robot could someday plant, tend and harvest your garden for you.
"Right now we are just using cherry tomatoes," said Nikolaus Correll, a professor at MIT who, along with his students, is developing the robotic gardener. "But in the future I could see us doing all kinds of fruits and vegetables."
The scientists work with small tomatoes because they have a small robot. It is based on the circular Roomba robotic floor cleaners, 12 inches diameter. On top of the Roomba sits the robotic arm and an on-board computer, in this case a small Dell laptop. A robotic arm, equipped with a camera and flat gripper, extends an additional 31 inches.
In this video, the robot pulls up to a docking station and "pees" on a tomato plant to water it. The robot moves to another tomato plant and uses the Web cam to recognize a tomato and grab it with the gripper.