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GPS-Laced Inhalers Track Asthma Triggers
Where asthma strikes, medical inhalers follow. Which got one disease detective thinking: Could asthma triggers be tracked via GPS technology?
Enterprising epidemiologist David Van Sickle at the University of Wisconsin-Madison decided to find out. He recruited four asthmatic undergraduates to carry around inhalers outfitted to relay location data when they were being used, via the Global Positioning System satellite network.
The test successfully demonstrated the concept and gave Van Sickle footing -- and funding -- for a pilot program now under way in the city of Madison. So far 19 volunteers have signed up to participate, with slots for another 31 available.
Advances in GPS technology solved what once would have been the program's main technical hurdle -- hefty receivers. Tracking devices have become so small they can be attached onto a bird's leg.