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Carbon Dioxide Scrubber Erases Your Carbon Footprint

With the rising CO2 levels in the air, our lungs are stressed to purify every inhaled gulp of air. But keep your fingers crossed for the future, as David Keith and his team have come up with a well-designed air-purifier, namely the Carbon Dioxide Scrubber, also known as eCO2, for short.
There are already a lot of air purifiers on the market, but this concept is by far a great innovation. Powered by kinetic energy, this green watch-like device is designed to take in carbon dioxide directly from the air, purify it and in turn, keep the air around the wearer cleaner.
The intake vents suck in the CO2 and the exhaust vents push out the clean air, much like the green plants in our surroundings. This personal scrubber unit aims to help an individual reduce or even erase his/her personal carbon footprint throughout the day. A step in the right direction for an individual, the eCO2 has the potential to make a powerful impact if worn collectively.
Moreover, the eCO2 doesn't look like a watch for nothing, as it also plays the role of a regular timepiece. With a great, futuristic design, the ECO2 actually makes for a pretty cool wrist watch, too. It all seems pretty nice, and actually believable; however, taking into account the levels of pollution these days and the large quantity or carbon dioxide emissions in the atmosphere, people would probably have to wear about a dozen of such carbon dioxide scrubbers in order to be able to breathe clean air.
Although a great idea, the eCO2 is still just a concept and there are no prospects of it going into production any time soon. Nevertheless, if that happens, it would probably be pretty pricey, at least at first, until people realize that a collective effort is needed in order to improve our living conditions and actually protect the environment.