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Complex Molecules Found in Milky Way's 'Sweet Spot'
The newly detected presence of two complex organic molecules in the Milky Way suggests the building blocks for life may exist in space even before the formation of planets.
Located close the center of the galaxy, the molecular cloud Sagittarius B2 is something akin to a galactic watering hole. A popular hangout for biologists and chemists looking for the building blocks of life in space, it contains a rich stew of materials in the process of being recycled into stars and planets.
Within the cloud are a wide variety of organics, now known to include two of the most complex molecules ever found in interstellar space -- ethyl formate and n-propyl cyanide. The molecules are similar in size and complexity to amino acids, the building blocks of life.
"It shows that you can go to this high level of complexity in space. These are comparable to the simplest amino acids," said Cornell astrochemist Robin Garrod, who presented the findings along with colleagues from Germany's Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and the University of Cologne at this week's European Astronomy and Space Science conference in the United Kingdom.