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After Transplant, Brain Rewires Left Hand First
When patients had both hands transplanted, their brains re-established connections much more quickly with the left hand than the right, a team of researchers in France reports.
The sample was small, just two patients, but both had been right-handed before losing their hands, and both followed a pattern of reconnection with their brain that was quicker for the left hand.
The study, led by Angela Sirigu of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Lyon, France, is reported in Tuesday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
The research shows that even years after the loss of hands the brain can reorganize and rewire itself to recognize and connect to a replacement.
And it comes just days after French physicians, in a 30-hour operation, performed the world's first simultaneous partial-face and double-hand transplant. Paris' Public Hospital authority described the recipient as a 30-year-old burn victim who was injured in a 2004 accident.
Sirigu's team used magnetic imaging to study the brains of people who had lost both hands and to see how the motor region that controls movement responded after new hands were transplanted.