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The Latest Technology is THE place to get all of the Latest Technology Update ,News , Latest Invension, Technology Regarding Space,Human,Computer,Electronics,Machinary And Many More.
Mykey From Ford Limits Your Driving Experience
Ford have designed a very new system called MyKey which is intended to assist in producing a safer driving experience for new drivers, who at times seem to think they are indestructible behind the wheel and that the laws do not apple to them, only others. The MyKey system enables parents to limit the speed of the vehicle and also the audio volume. The speed restriction is the obvious safety precaution, as when the speed which has been selected has been reached, the car will refuse to go any faster. The volume controller is merely an extra, but one which many of the public will be thankful for, eradicating the sound of five sub woofers blaring out heavy bass at every set of traffic...